Promotional USB Models - order from 50 units with custom logo branding options
All models can be printed with your logo.
Data capacity available from 1GB to 256GB. Some models available in USB3.0.
Minimums apply, ranging from 50 to 100 depending on the model, please check with us or indicate you require the min order to be quoted.
USB lights up when in use.
Data capacity available from 1GB to 256GB. Some models available in USB3.0.
Minimums apply, ranging from 50 to 100 depending on the model, please check with us or indicate you require the min order to be quoted.
USB lights up when in use.
Can't find what your'e looking for?
Let us know what style of promotional usb you require and we will find it for you. Or we can create most a custom designed USB Shape for you.
Let us know what style of promotional usb you require and we will find it for you. Or we can create most a custom designed USB Shape for you.
Send us your enquiry below: